Sunday, March 21, 2010

Jobs At Silvercity Brampton

Und täglich grüßt das Murmeltier

With the experience of the (hopefully) last winter, we set out to improve our passive house. In particular, our office in the EC has been found during the winter as very cool (and from the front door I had already reported).
What was more natural than a (further) set of to have thermography images create. And if you're at it for the same security, the "great program" - that is one other blower door test (the now fourth).
The sobering results are quickly summarized:
  • The front door (special thermography recording before installation of the fan) may have become by the last repair of the manufacturer much closer, but there is still a place where passing moves it significantly between the door frame and door leaf . With the addition we hope to locate the problem better, and I can fix.
  • The air leak has worsened compared to the last measurement easy. The averaged Value is now (measured in the use of state) at 0.97 h ^ -1 and that 61% of the nominal value of 0.60 (which was planned on the basis of which include the heating system). As a vulnerability (in addition to the well-known and still partly existing problems in the wall connections of windows) have, surprisingly, the resulting window profiles themselves, which showed no abnormalities at the last measurement.

So we are unfortunately back in the repair mode and have now with the architect, builder window and door manufacturer conducted a serious talk and set a deadline for written explanation on how to sustainably because the identified weaknesses zu beheben gedenkt. Wir sind jedenfalls nicht bereit, dauerhaft ein Haus zu bewohnen, welches die vertraglich zugesicherten Eigenschaften in einem solchen Maße verfehlt.


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