Thilo Folesky (Fotos)
A small, black notebook. Ruled, without border. With a little shaky fingers to flip Fritz wall (82) through the yellowed pages. They are full of scribbled. Entries in Sütterlin and again autographs, autographs, autographs. The notebook is its connection to the 1936.
time could host the Olympic Games in Nazi Berlin. Propaganda glamorous fixtures, which should preserve the beautiful appearance of the Third Reich. The athletes lived during that time in their own village at Elstal, west of the capital.
A small, black notebook. Ruled, without border. With a little shaky fingers to flip Fritz wall (82) through the yellowed pages. They are full of scribbled. Entries in Sütterlin and again autographs, autographs, autographs. The notebook is its connection to the 1936.
time could host the Olympic Games in Nazi Berlin. Propaganda glamorous fixtures, which should preserve the beautiful appearance of the Third Reich. The athletes lived during that time in their own village at Elstal, west of the capital.

Fritz Wandt neighbor boy was 12 when he rode his bike in the summer of 1936 and the note booklet to Elstal, um die sportlichen Helden seiner Kindheit zu treffen. Hockeyspieler aus Indien, Schwimmer aus Italien, Leichtathleten aus Deutschland. „Ich war total aufgeregt. Aber die Sportler auch. So viel Rummel haben die ja noch nie erlebt.“
Diesmal, im August 2006, ist er mit seinem alten, weinroten Golf in das Olympische Dorf gekommen. Besser gesagt: In das, was Krieg und Russen-Besatzung von der Muster-Siedlung an der B5 übrig gelassen haben. Werner March, Architekt des Olympiastadions, hatte in nur zwei Jahren Bauzeit ringförmig 141 moderne Wohnhäuser für die Sportler errichten lassen. Jedes von ihnen ausgestattet mit Terrasse und Telefon. Die Gebäude wurden eingebettet in eine künstliche Auenlandschaft mit Wegen und a lake. More than 100,000 sqm ground were the landscape designers for their German art-Idyll shift and 1000 to implement up to 160 years old pines, oaks and birches. Contracts for the construction of the most German of all villages were only awarded to companies Aryan.

Today, 50 one-euro jobbers try to save what can be saved. On behalf of the Foundation of the German Credit Bank (DKB) to replace roofs, clear away debris and expose the old ways. DKB acquired the site in December 2005. "Lord turned to us a tremendous help. He knows what's hier mal ausgesehen hat“, sagt Frau Eisenhut von der DKB.
Fritz Wandt ist das, was man gemeinhin rüstig nennt: Der Verstand klar, die Erinnerung präzise. Treppen meistert er wie ein junger Athlet und, ach ja, er braucht nicht einmal eine Brille, wenn er in alten Dokumenten blättert. Das Dorf und die Beschäftigung damit, meint er, halten ihn jung. Ehrenamtlich führt er Besuchergruppen über das Gelände. Seit April sind schon 8000 Touristen gekommen. So viele wie im ganzen Kalten Krieg nicht.
Die Besucher staunen, dass der Sportplatz schon wieder so aussieht wie vor 70 Jahren. Der Rasen ist frisch ausgesät, der Belag für die Aschenbahn gerade aufgebracht. „Aber die Zuschauer-Bänke, die gab’s damals nicht, die muss die Rote Armee mitgebracht haben“, sagt Wandt. Die Russen nutzten das Areal von 1945 bis 1992 als Kaserne.

Direkt neben dem Sportplatz steht die Schwimmhalle, im Dach klafft ein großes Brandloch. 1936 war die Halle eine der modernsten der Welt. Teile der Fensterwand ließen sich mittels Kettenseilzug nach oben fahren. Die Sportler wateten durch ein Fußbecken nach draußen. „Deutsche Wertarbeit“, urteilt Wandt und steigt über etwas Geröll am Eingang.
Vor einiger Zeit ließ die DKB das Becken wieder fluten. Als Attraktion für die Besucher. Und as evidence that the state of the system is not that bad. "We hope that someone comes up with a lot of money and says, now I have a brilliant idea for the pool hall and the grounds here," says Ms. Eisenhut. Years ago, the German Football Association interested items for the site. Wandt Fritz, Gerhard Mayer-Vorfelder on the roof of the dining house of nations, to show him the wonderful surroundings. "Unfortunately nothing has used. The construction of a sports school it was too expensive, "said Wandt. As long as no new prospect comes, just renovated on.
As in the former headquarters of the U.S. team. Today it is called Jesse-Owens-house, named after the dark-skinned superstar Games (four gold medals). The one-euro jobbers covered the roof of one of the ten remaining barracks, exchanged rotten rafters, the other brushed off easily and put bricks on it again. Cheap rehabilitation for 13,000 €. After all - the roof is tight! One of the 12 sparsely furnished double room for the athletes left the DKB faithfully dressing again. That the night tables and chairs at a Swedish furniture store chain was bought, does not bother Fritz Wandt. He regrets the absence in his diary the signing of Jesse Owens. "I have unfortunately never caught."

The booklet all the years stored in a drawer in the room. "My parents made sure that I did not lose," he says. In the postwar years Wandt scribbled all sorts of private in the book, about the menu sequence for his wedding and telephone numbers of employees.

took some time ago then turned the book into the Olympic village. The DKB was athletic organize exhibition matches on historic ground. Also present were the shot-putter Astrid Kumbernuss, for example, and Ralf Bartels or pole vaulter Danny Ecker. Argued that the 80-year-old, went up to her. Shy, nervous, like a little boy, he asked for autographs. Now the notebook is almost full - after 70 years. had
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