Friday, April 28, 2006

Burgundy Carpet With What Curtains


After the three before me Jahren der Heimkinovirus gepackt hat und ich mir in unserer damaligen Wohung eine Art "Kino" im Wohnzimmer eingerichtet habe, war klar das das Ganze in erweiterter Form auch in einem eigenen Haus realisiert werden würde.

Nachdem das Haus nun seit Sommer letzten Jahres zur Verfügung steht (gebraucht aber meins... in 30 Jahren) und auch der geeignete Raum gefunden war, hab ich im Januar damit begonnen das Projekt Melodome anzugehen...

Damit das Ganze nicht zu einfach wird bau ich mir nicht nur einen Kinoraum, sondern der angrenzende Raum wird zur Bar und der Kinoraum zusätzlich noch zur Disco umfunktioniert. Das Ganze spielt sich auf 10,5 x 4 m ab (Kinoraum 6 x 4 m).

(Und wieso Melodome? Ganz einfach.. is ne mixture of Melodrom and Cinedome. Cinedome is clear Melodrom is a cinema in Kaufbeuren the mutated into a disco after the show .. just like my movies).

The first stage is the screening room. On the walls have been applied to a sheet-rock cross battens which was covered with insulation and vapor barrier film. The whole serves
- for heat (a vapor barrier to mold due to condensation)
- for sound insulation (not the noise but at the Hall)
- to hide the wires. Since the space is

only 2.10 meters high, I decided to install a completely current "light tunnel" in which you will then hide the wires be, and the halogen lamps are installed.

The special gag in the tunnel are the 10 built-in sockets that can be controlled individually and centrally on the DMX-controlled lighting system is operated the disco.

Ne fog machine is also Stroboblitzer and is also there.

The halogen lamps are controlled by radio (radio-controlled dimmer).

cinema Moderately an XGA LCD projector is used, the image is 2 m wide in the 4:3 format has since the whole is fired by HTPC.
is sound version, the cinema sound through a Logitech Z-680 5.1 system generated (cry at all "authentic" sound freaks. But is sufficient for HTPC NEN (number of inputs) and has 500 real watts!

The Disco Sound is a 2000 watt PA amplifier that hangs on 600 Watt PA speakers. Since the whole system is not HiFi but a PA is dat thing loud as hell makes a big blast and is quite durable (and costs a fortune).

All the electronics were already there before the movie and will now hold further used (a millionaire's missing a bit ...)

Since all without pictures is pretty bleak these come in the next post


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