The Advent quiet days are also the occasion for us to let the previous year pass in review and to draw a preliminary conclusion about our passive house.
The main conclusion first: We like our house still :-)
Although in principle the construction phase, of course, was exhausting, but the bottom line is no more wrong than any previous construction also. However, there are still some open issues, even more than 6 months after moving
- The front door is still leaking, several attempts to rectify the window manufacturer had only limited success. A few days ago, we could even ice on the inside (!) Remove the door, and as our faith then stops but that this is the "current state of the art" is. (See photo at end of post)
- We are currently discussing with all parties involved (engineers, architects, heating engineers) the fact that when turned on the auxiliary heating vent the furnace in continuous runs. We have come across some discrepancies between the original concept of the engineer and the final built-in components and just to clarify the process of how the built-in components really are "equivalent" or just not. Sorry, do not behave all parties involved in the discussion particularly cooperative, so we now own (inevitably) become by self-study to experts in constant value control valves ...
- is the exhaust valve of the oven for about 4 days when you turn off strange cracking noises - we will probably again need to consult the customer service
The extreme cold in the past week, our pellet consumption in the meantime to about 15 kg per days has increased, up to date but slightly decreased. Whether all this is in the realm of what would be expected by the theoretical calculations in advance, I am now completely stumped and werde wohl erst nach der kompletten Heizsaison mal nachrechnen.