Gerne gebe ich mit diesem Post unsere ersten Erfahrungen mit unserem Passivhaus wieder. Während der "Sommer"-Monate, etwa bis Ende September, hatten wir konstant 21-24 Grad im Haus (trotz Verschattung), der Ofen musste nicht ein einziges Mal anspringen, der die Solaranlage das benoetigte Warmwasser erzeugen konnte. In den letzten 3 Wochen war es allerdings quasi durchgehend trübe und bedeckt - da kann die Solaranlage natürlich wenig ausrichten, entsprechend springt der Ofen 2-3x am Tag fuer jeweils ca. eine halbe Stunde an. Die Zimmertemperatur pendelt aktuell bei 19-22 Grad, allerdings ist die Fußbodenheizung noch gar not in operation and the heating coil for the air only very sporadically.
Overall, the house (solid construction) so not so "lazy" as I had expected mean is, the temperature level changes but (relatively) fast. One reason is the lack of ground heat exchanger, ie the intake air is "just" warmed by the extracted air, not on additional energy from the ground. The same device would also help in the summer, the temperatures in the house a little better to keep in check. We decided in the construction phase for cost reasons, however - I'm not sure if I would make with the knowledge now call for a different decision.
Conclusion: The sun has a huge impact - not only on the hot Waser, but also through the large windows directly to the room temperature.
Whether the frequency of the oven "appropriate" and the current consumption of about 30kg of pellets per week as part of the calculations, I have been able to find not recalculate or - possibly more passive house residents with experience here?
A few additional comments and observations:
- was the origin of the moisture in the technology space never be finally resolved. Visually, it dries off, an uneasy feeling remains
- Meanwhile, all the lights except the hanging ceiling lamp in the living room. The biggest challenge was the search for a mirror light for recessed mirror in our bathroom - there are many mirror cabinets with light, but only very few mirror lighting without mirrors
- The front door still does not close as tight as we are the passive house suitable for a door imagine - the window manufacturer investigated together with the manufacturer and us currently on a solution
- The thermostat in the bath has no effect as long as all valves on the heating thermostat hanging in the living room ... Electrician has been amended, although one wonders as host, that neither the sanitary Bauer noticed before the electrician by itself was.
Finally, a good tip for all homeowners: Flex should work with sparks in the immediate vicinity of tile should be avoided - zumindst if the flow were not covered. Also, a new bathtub, you can "get" in this way :-) If anyone
more specific questions to the passive house has in general or as a future client would like to learn a few tips from our experience, can, of course, everyone is welcome to contact me.