Monday, May 25, 2009

Pinnacle 150e/55e Drivers

-4 (*)

(*) An alle Nachrechner: Ja, ich habe die Berechnungsgrundlage aktualisiert - der Umzugswagen ist naemlich fuer Freitag bestellt.

really unbelievable what has happened in the last few days - and what going to happen has. Laminates have been (in internal activity) completely transferred, wallpapering is almost complete (extend up to two places where screws from the wall - but of which no one knows where they come from or what they are good). The first furniture are moved together with full moving boxes from the old apartment in the new house. The oven works (which is 35 degrees outside temperature is not really important), the ventilation system and that is not solar system. Tile work almost complete - by Wednesday will be added missing base and jointed so that it can be built up on Thursday the kitchen. The first Outside blinds are attached (and I like visually very good), but you do not really dark, as they are placed quite far in front of the window opening, so we are looking for blinds or Venetian blinds for the bedroom.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Rollercoaster Tycoon Animal Helicopter


The tiles are laid almost all (except for the floor tiles in the bathroom), in the bedroom already is laminate, and almost all soils are again in film wrapped - follows the interior plaster. Slowly, the art house to the critical point: ventilation, furnace, solar panels - all still in operation. To "cheer" des Ofens haben wir versucht, Pellets aufzutreiben - gar nicht so einfach in dieser Jahreszeit, und wohin mit einer Tonne davon, wenn man keinen Keller hat und die Garage noch voll anderer Baumaterialien ist?
Ansonsten laufen jetzt auch die eher administrativen Dinge - z.B. die Bestellung einer Mülltonne - an. Noch 9 Arbeitstage...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Ross Kemp In Kenya Online


Die Wandfliesen in beiden Bädern sind angebracht, wenn auch noch nicht verfugt. Die ersten Bodenfliesen liegen auf der Treppe. Am Mittwoch wird Laminat geliefert und Tapeten für die Schlafzimmer sind auch schon ausgesucht.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What Are Black And Chocolate Diamonds


Badewanne ist eingebaut - ich habe mal die Tuer zum Bad zugemacht, sonst wuerde der Kondenstrockner wohl gegen Windmühlen kämpfen. The interior doors have fittings now - and tomorrow will finally begin the tile in the bathroom.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Condoleezza Rice Email Contact


The (hopefully) last rent for our current home is paid - but at home it's slow. The main problem is that the surface according to the last measurement is too moist, to lay tiles. After we "only" had two condenser in the house, we are now at 4 condenser dryers, plus additional fans - I fear the Baustromrechnung ... To speed up the drying of the screed was also sanded off. After all the interior doors are
now provided with the first frames and door leaves are already there. Indoor and Exterior window sills are almost all built in, and the outside reinforcing plaster is already on it.