Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cervix High And Soft Before Af

The construction of the boarding house is making progress!

Noch ist das Boardinghaus nicht ganz fertig, aber es ist nun bereits komplett aufgebaut und hat ein solides Metalldach bekommen!

Da in Kenia alle Kosten für Lebenshaltung und Benzin erheblich angestiegen sind, bereitet es dem Schulleiter Fred große Schwierigkeiten, die Mittel für die Fertigstellung aufzubringen. Wir sind nach wie vor auf Spenden angewiesen, um ihn zu unterstützen, den Bau zu vollenden.
Das Boardinghaus soll in Zukunft Waisenkindern aus der Umgebung Obdach bieten.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How To Make Homemade Sausage Stuffer

The new school year has begun

The new school year started on St. Zachariah Education Centre and a new baby class started school. Instead of a cornet, was a special greeting for all children pineapples!

The school now comprises eight classes: a baby class, a nursery class, unit pre and grades 1 - 5
built two additional classrooms offer children enough space.

baby class

5th Class

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Graphs About Breat Cancer

's Christmas promotions

went through various Christmas activities of the sponsors remarkable donation to the association.

Kornelia and Birgit achieved by selling homemade Christmas cards and angel pendants, the handsome sum of € 531 .

was a portion of the amount used as follows:
100, - € custom-made shoes for younger (foot deformity)
261, - € Annual sponsorship for K. Ann
50, - € R.
bike for 35, - € for school uniform K. Ann

It was an Advent calendar with little surprise gifts. This
brought a donation of € 240 , which were used for lunch.

Andrea and Grit achieved through their charity Christmas market and various exchange activities in the forum, the sum of € 203 .
This is used for the purchase of new textbooks.

Thank you to everyone for the great support! have
Special thanks to our Mitpaten, supported by arts and crafts projects and our work always helped along the way to succeed.

Altogether, the proud donation of 974 € in December could be handed over to the association.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Sample Prayer Before Start Of Thesis Defense


Fred has built a fountain!

Although he is only assumed that difficult in the rocky terrain is a water well, he still risked it and had success.

There are already many months no more tap water. And for the construction of the boarding house alone required enormous amounts of water, which had so far everything has to be fetched from the River.

Now the well water may be used for irrigating the school's Shamba be used.
And the children finally have clean, fresh drinking water!